Of all the learning theories constructionism to me is one of the most important. Constructionism is the learning theory that people learn best when they create something they can share (Laureate Education, Inc., 2008). I am a huge believer in this learning theory. I believe people learn by doing. In my classroom, I use a lot of project-based learning. By using this learning style my students are the creators. They are actively engaged in the learning process.
In chapter 11 of the book, Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works, the authors provide several examples of how this learning theory can be used in the classroom setting. I realized that one of the websites they suggested using is actually a website that I use in my classroom. I use the website www.plimoth.org/education/olc/index_js2.html with my students (Pitler, Hubbell, Kuhn, & Malenoski, 2007). This website requires the students to become investigators of the first Thanksgiving. The site takes the students to several different pages that teach the students new information about different parts of this event. My students love interacting with this website because to be completely honest it is more exciting than listening to me lecture. After my students have used this site I have been amazed at all of the information they are learning. In the future when I use this website I plan to have my students create something after completing the online investigation into the first Thanksgiving. I think by having them create something on their own that they will be able to store and retrieve even more information. I highly recommend this website to anyone that teaches about pilgrims, Indians, or the first thanksgiving.
Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2008). Program seven. Constructionist and Constructivist Learning Theories [Motion picture]. Bridging learning theory, instruction and technology. Baltimore: Author.
Pitler, H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K. (2007). Using technology with classroom instruction that works. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Day 6 of the March SOLSC #SOL25
21 hours ago
I agree! This learning theory is the best! I am so excited we are learning even more about it through these classes. Next year should be the most exciting as I change my lesson plans over the summer.
ReplyDeleteIsn't that a great feeling when you find a site you use in your class, and it is a site that you find in a published book that is telling you you should be using it?! I remember I had that feeling when I was reading about using essential questions for class last week and I already was using it!
The site you provided sounds like a great one. Do you have your own 'Thanksgiving' in class?
I really like your idea of letting them explore the website, and then let them create a project, based on their new information learned. It really will reinforce what they have learned.
ReplyDeleteHaving them act out a part of the first Thanksgiving may also be something that they will remember. Maybe they could include some of the information they learned from the website to create a realistic scene from the first Thanksgiving and then they can compare it with what we typically think happened on the first Thanksgiving.
Another idea: When I was in third grade, we learned about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. On MLK day, my class went to all of the second grade classrooms and we did a little 'performance' for them. We sang a few songs and said a few facts that we learned. This was a great experience for all parties involved.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you can go to a younger grade and put on a little 'performance' telling them about Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteI LOVED this website as well. My students were very into exploring this site. Each one of them created a project by using information on the Pilgrims and Indians. It was so much fun to see the students actively engaged in their learning.
I also agree with your comment that people learn by doing. I feel this is true for me because that is definately how I learn. I think about this often because I know how important project-based learning is.
Ms. Shrift, I also plan to change my lesson plans over the summer to incorporate more project-based learning experiences. In the past I have not had my own “Thanksgiving” celebration. However, I have already decided that next year I want to recreate the event with my students. I plan t use the website to help the students prepare for the celebration. I also like your idea about sharing what my students have learned with a younger grade. I think this would benefit both my students and the younger students.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Woodworth, I like your idea of having the students act out the first Thanksgiving. It is similar to Ms. Shrift’s idea of having a Thanksgiving celebration in class.
Mrs. Winner, I like how you had your students create a project using the information from the website. I plan to do this next year.
Thank you all for so many wonderful ideas for how to use this website in the future!