I have spent some time navigating through a website called Partnerships for 21st Century Skills. I always search online for ways I can improve myself as a teacher. I am very surprised that I have never come across this website. This site made me think deeply about why teachers teach.
I am surprised that with all of the technological advances in the world that technology has not already become a part of every classroom. I do not think 21st century skills will be incorporated into every classroom until they are mixed into the state standards. The states that have partnered with this organization have changed state standards and assessments. They have also incorporated these skills into professional development programs for the teachers. The states are molding more effective educators and helping prepare students for the future at the same time!
I believe it is important for educators to prepare students for the real world. Schools should help prepare students to be effective citizens. In society we should all aim toward a common goal. The goal is educate children and prepare them for their future. These 21st century skills can easily be incorporated into everyday classroom instruction. The only problem is that teachers are not aware of these skills and all states have not made these skills a part of the regular curriculum.
In my classroom, I teach the material required by the state, but I also teach life skills that will prepare my students for the future. I wish I had known about this website in the past. I believe the skills they list for the students to know are essential in preparing them for the real world. In the future, I will use this website as a resource for preparing my students by teaching them 21st century skills.
Day 8 of the March SOLSC #SOL25
20 hours ago